
Warren at his books

If music is my great love then literature is its handmaiden and a close second in its own right, as it is intimately entwined with most of my musical compositions. Whether I am composing music to set someone else's words or whether I am writing new words to go with someone else's music, the words are always the core of the inspiration. In the case of major works, such as Tolkien's "The Lord Of The Rings", or Stevenson's: "Songs Of Travel", where I have set a large number of another writer's words to music, it is because I have been deeply touched by those words that I have been inspired to build on them.

I was avidly reading books some years before I became addicted to music, and I continued to read them during my teenage years and right through adulthood. No doubt this lengthy and varied exposure has been the cause of the kind of literary style you can find so amply displayed on this website. Since writing is an indispensable daily requirement for me I am grateful for the thorough grounding I received as a child, teenager and adult. It has given me my most useful tool of all.

Other than the primary medium of this website itself, I have of course, indulged in a certain amount of writing for its own sake. My main creative literary output is in the form of poetry, most of which is published here, but I have also produced the odd story, which I may add when I have the time.

I have included my reviews of other people's artistic works here since it is often a case of me writing about other people's writing.