The birthday card that went with the poem
I had been collating my mother's poetic works and formatting them when I went to visit her shortly after my birthday. Lo and behold, I found that she had written me a birthday poem! Since she had written several for me I thought it only right to write another one for her.
The famous namesake is of course Lewis Carroll and his creation is the White Knight's song from "Alice through the Looking Glass". A favourite poem of many people including my mother.
I thought I'd write a little note
For you, since I am quite remote,
Something that you may wish to quote
And maybe make you smile.
I confess I don't know what to say,
The words keep getting in the way,
But I'll complete it come what may,
Although it be a trial.
I'm 'minded when in distant date
Your famous namesake did create
A man who sat upon a gate
And mused upon the while.
Perhaps my thoughts might flow like these
When my mind has turned to cheese
And gone to live amongst the trees
In some forgotten pile1.
That time is not yet at my fence
As currently my thoughts make sense
And come to me from God-knows-whence,
A garden bed fertile.
But now I hear the tolling bell
It just remains to wish you well
For none among us can foretell
No matter what their guile.
So happy birthday Mother dear!
I wish you health and all good cheer
And many joys throughout the year
From interests versatile.
Warren Mars - August 2014