An Abbreviated Romance

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Ah the old days of 12 button keypads and no predictive text.

We've all seen TXT abbreviations of a whole raft of words and phrases. Some people, (of a certain generation), exhibit complete command of this arcane syntax, while most remain completely mystified. Of course, since the advent of smart phones with full keyboard and effective predictive text, this skill is now dying, but I offer this poem as an illustration of the high watermark.

The pure TXT form of this poem follows a regular rhythm and rhyming scheme and can be successfully read out loud. Each line contains 8 sets of triplets. You will need to practice it first however in order to allow for the empty beats that I have intentionally put in. The 2 letter word at the end of the first line in each verse is spoken at half speed, so that it takes 6 triplets. The other consideration is the use of the "w" which is the only letter with 2 syllables. In order to make the reading work you must squeeze those two syllables into one beat.

Pure text conversations are always a tricky issue for humans, because although there is undoubtedly another human at the other end, there is no certainty of their sex, age or intentions. This poem uses this uncertainty as the driving force behind its subtext.

asl nsa g2cu s2r urh 6y
ilu lh6 td2m ytb bcoy
ura* 1nam vbs sfsg
ight tysm pcm gnsd

Next night

hru wyd mulc tau kol qt
y2k idk nmjc lgh dttd
omfg lmao tmi faf bytm
idbi rbay toj lusm

Next night

rut afk ruok 459 tmb gf
wam ays girl ffs tsnf
wrud soab i8u fml clab
witp cwot ykw esad

2 weeks later

hru ctc ltns waj pda ss
dur oll dyfm imu hhis
ilum dtrt cmb kit bgwm
fwiw icbw plz td2m ;-)

Warren Mars - April 2013


Age, sex, location? No strings attached. Good to see you. Send to receive (photo exchange). You are hot! Sexy!
I love you. Let's have sex. Talk dirty to me. You're best. Big crush on you!
You are a star! 1 in a million! Very big smile! So far so good.
I got high tonight. Thank you so much. Please call me. Good night sweet dreams.

Next night

How are you? What are you doing? Miss you like crazy. Thinking about you. Kiss on the lips. Cutie.
You're too kind. I don't know. Not much, just chillin'. Lets get high. Don't touch that dial.
Oh my fucking God! Laughing my arse off! Too much information. Funny as fuck! Better you than me.
I don't believe it! Right back at you. Tears of joy. Love you so much!

Next night

Are you there? Away from keyboard? Are you ok? I love you. Text me back, girl friend.
Wait a minute. Are you serious? Guy in real life? For fuck's sake, that's so not fair!
What are you doing? Son of a bitch! I hate you! Fuck my life! Crying like a baby.
What is the point. Complete waste of time. You know what? Eat shit and die!

2 weeks later

How are you? Care to chat? Long time no see. What a jerk. Personal display of affection. So sorry.
Do you remember, on line love? Dude, you fascinate me. I miss you. Hanging head in shame.
I love you man. Do the right thing. Call me back. Keep in touch. Be gentle with me.
For what it's worth, it could be worse. Please, talk dirty to me.