The Creation Of The Elements

Chapter 3, Verse 11

9.2 billion years after the Creation there is now ample metallicity in the birth clouds to produce rocky planets with ALL the stable elements. These will be the vehicle in which his INTELLIGENT LIFE will develop!

It's been a HUGE STRUGGLE to obtain these elements and the Alchimiste Sans Pareil has earned his reward!

Let's look at where they all came from:

HYDROGEN and Helium from the Big Bang.
Lithium, CARBON and Nitrogen from the Triple Alpha Process in low mass stars.
Mid mass elements from OXYGEN to Rubidium from Core Collapse Supernovae.
The elements around Iron from Carbon Detonation of White Dwarfs.
Medium heavy elements from Strontium to Lead from the S-Process in low mass AGM stars.
Heavy elements from Ruthenium to Plutonium from the R-Process in Binary Neutron Star Mergers.

The lighter elements will provide the biological necessities, the middle weight elements will provide the basis for engineering and chemistry and the heavier elements will provide the exotic materials required for an advanced technological civilization.

All over the universe stars are being born with accretion discs full of these elements.

The foundation is in PLACE!

All he needs to do now is watch and wait.

And GOD is good at waiting...

God waits

Text: Warren Mars - June, 2024
Art: Warren Mars & DALL.E 3 - June 2024