The Creation Of The Elements

Chapter 3, Verse 3

Each element in the Alpha Process Ladder produces more energy than is required to make it and this energy is realised in the form of gamma rays which exert radiation pressure on the outer layers, counterbalancing the IMMENSE gravitational pressure threatening catastrophic collapse. So the star is able to survive and to THRIVE...

But once the star makes IRON the reactions become endothermic and the energy of the core is sucked into the newly formed Fe and Ni, the temperature drops and the core SUDDENLY collapses under the INCOMPREHENSIBLE WEIGHT of the entire star!

The outer core rushes inward at INCREDIBLE SPEED and is rapidly heated to ASTONISHING TEMPERATURE!

ABSURD quantities of neutrons and neutrinos are formed, liberating a RIDICULOUS amount of energy in just 10 seconds.

The inner core collapse is then halted by NEUTRON DEGENERACY forming an INCOMPRESSIBLE surface. The in-rushing, superheated, outer core strikes this and rebounds outward at high velocity.

At this point the INSANELY HIGH temperature and pressure present for a brief window in time causes enormous free neutron formation but blocks beta decay allowing the synthesis of elements all the way up to Rubidium and beyond using the Rapid Neutron-Capture Process.

This shockwave of heavier elements powered by a vast wave of neutrinos strikes the outer layers of the star and blows it apart in a TREMENDOUS EXPLOSION that can be seen even from distant galaxies! For a period of weeks one giant star can outshine its ENTIRE GALAXY!

Most of the dead star, including the rebounding outer core, is spread into the interstellar medium, thereby increasing its metallicity.

All that remains of the once mighty LIVING BEHEMOTH is the inner core, now just a neutron star or a black hole.

God working up a tan