The Creation Of The Universe

Chapter 1, Verse 1

Shhsshh! Still your mortal tongue, for this is the TIME BEYOND TIME and the SPACE BEYOND SPACE!

We are come to this meta reality to witness something special... Focus your attention on yonder manlike image. Lo, he appeareth as a great sage: poised with grace born of great experience and marked with the interminable passage of the ages, BUT THIS IS NO MAN!

Bow down before him mortal, for His is the Wisdom Inscrutable and His is the Power Cosmic!

For a split microsecond he glances in your direction and you feel the incomprehensible power and august majesty behind his all-seeing gaze.

In a single flash of cosmic awareness He strips your every secret bare to your inner-most core and judges your worth.

Tremble mortal for HE IS YOUR GOD!!!

God alone

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