The Creation Of The Universe

Chapter 1, Verse 10

The unstable conditions of the Grand Unification Epoch cause the essential symmetries to break and Gravity and the Strong Nuclear Force are released from bondage.

But WAIT! The Universe is MUCH smaller than the Creator has envisaged. He has miscalculated his parameters by a HUGE margin and he is forced to CHEAT!

Cursing his stupidity he breaks the RULE OF NO DIRECT INTERFERENCE and in 10-32 seconds he rudely expands the fabric of space by a factor of 1026 in each dimension.


But LOOK! His interference has not gone unnoticed!

The ARBITERS OF REALITY manifest around him from the SEA OF CHAOS that is the higher plane. There are laws that NOT EVEN A GOD may break and he has been caught!

The Great Architect pleads that without interference this promising Universe would have come to nothing...

The Arbiters are not impressed and they sentence him to 370,000 years of BLINDNESS...

The Arbiters hold God to account