I was born in Australia, grew up in Australia, was educated in Australia, and dammit! I live in Australia! If I'm not eligible to propagate opinion on this country, make suggestions and stimulate discussion then who is?
I don't belong to any extreme faction of politics or religion and I am at home chatting to all members of Australia's mainstream, from the unemployed, to tradesmen, to professionals to academics. In many ways I live a rather mainstream life, watching some sport, barracking for my football teams, relaxing at BBQs, hanging out with my woman, body surfing at the local beaches and travelling around the country. In other ways I'm not your average Australian, but then who is?
The views I put forward here are considered and researched and are aimed at the long term. Since I consider myself part of the mainstream, these views ought to be well considered by the majority of Australians and hopefully adopted by many.